Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Zuckerber Takes His Staff to See 'The Social Network'

Two weeks after 'The Social Network' hit theaters, it's still number one. Many people, who, before the movie released with a booming success, said that they weren't going to waist money on it. A good amount of those people have opted to see it anyways, after seeing it's success. One of the people was Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook.

In previous interviews, he had said that he probably wouldn't be seeing the movie. It didn't really surprise anyone, considering that he's portrayed as a desperate collage boy, who rips off another companies ideas, and betrays his friend. What was considerably more surprising is when he finally caved and saw the movie, he decided to take his whole staff with him.

In an interview with  UsMagazine.com, one Facebook representative said that they decided to see 'The Social Network' to "celebrate a period of intense activity on Facebook". He also commented that they thought that the movie might be "amusing", because of how it portrays Facebook.

In the end, despite how 'The Social Network' might portray Zuckerberg, he has done some pretty big things to create a positive image. He recently donated $100 million to a charity for education, the Newark educational system more specifically, which is the largest city in New Jersey.

Article Here

~Jessica Skrobarczyk

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. I saw The Social Network and have to say that it certainly didn't portray Zuckerberg in a flattering light. It's interesting -- and quite possibly a public relations move -- that he took his whole staff to watch the film. At least he's doing some good things with his money, though; that may help damage some of the bad publicity he got through the film.
